Ya boi-ka-boi, the false kvlt alligator king, Mr. Naturdays himself.
Joseph Ricky Prejean has hosted 143 Episodes.
Episode 82: Scourge of Humanity
February 9th, 2023 | 1 hr 43 mins
angels, demons, god, heaven, hell, legion, pastor todd, the devil, the night club
Spread your wings and open your ears, we're joined by Pastor Todd to talk a little about Revelations and a lot about Legion(2010).
Episode 80: Little Ash-holes
January 23rd, 2023 | 1 hr 56 mins
army of darkness, book of the dead, bruce campbell, deadites, groovy, kristi buffi, necronomicon, sam raimi, sword and sorcery, that horror witch, the evil dead, the night club
The year is 1300 and an ancient evil ravages the world. Only one hero from another time can save the earth from the dark powers of the necronomicon. Join us and special guest Kristi from That Horror Witch Podcast as we discuss the cult classic third film in the Evil Dead franchise, Army of Darkness(1992)!
Episode 79: Dunes Cantina Vol. 13: Slim Jim Potpourri
January 19th, 2023 | 1 hr 28 mins
chuddle the pod, dunes cantina, fixis playground, friday the 13th, horror 2022, jason voorhees, the night club
Dunes Vol. 13, recorded on Friday the 13th, discussion revolving around Friday The 13th! We also cover Trevor's Top 5 Favorite Horror Films of 2022.
Episode 77: Second Amendment Slasher
January 4th, 2023 | 2 hrs 51 mins
art the clown, damien leone, david howard thornton, elliot fullam, lauren lavera, spookala, terrifier 2, the night club
Unquestionably one of the most talked about horror films of 2022 and we couldn't help but sink our teeth into it, so here it is for all of you, our Midnight Ritual of Terrifier 2!
Episode 76: Cornucopia of Spheres
December 27th, 2022 | 2 hrs 8 mins
cosmic, gloria lynne henry, horror, lord of the dead, phantasm, phantasm 6, reggie banister, the night club
At the end of every year on The Night Club we journey further into the mythos of the Phantasm series. This year we are blessed to have with us Gloria Lynne Henry for our Midnight Ritual of Phantasm III: Lord of The Dead!
Episode 75: Dunes Cantina Vol. 11: Latent Silence
December 19th, 2022 | 1 hr 25 mins
chuddle the pod, dunes cantina, fixis playground, spookala, terrifier 2, the night club
On this volume of Dunes Ricky, Trevor, Bryan and I talk to Grindhouse and Chuddle The Sam while they visit the Spookala horror convention. We also talk about attending conventions, our podcasting history and how its so awesome that we all connected. This one is podcasting history for all of us!
Episode 74: Dunes Cantina Vol. 10: Cheeking Medication
December 11th, 2022 | 1 hr 17 mins
chuddle the pod, dunes cantina, fixis playground, horror, the night club
While visiting Dunes we retread some Chuddle territory and tease some of our views of horror films from 2022.
Episode 73: Dunes Cantina Vol. 9: Redneck Swamp Donkey
December 6th, 2022 | 1 hr 21 mins
cody-co, dunes cantina, fixis playground, horror, joe blow horror show, the night club, war, war films
Deer hunting and horror talk lead the patrons of Dunes Cantina to list off their Top 5 Favorite War Films and we tease whats coming up on the Joe Blow Horror Show. Listen until the end for all the exclusives. Also, the burping gets out of hand on this one.
Episode 72: Poop Maggots & Blood Worms
December 1st, 2022 | 1 hr 54 mins
bob, don anelli, gates of hell, italian horror, lucio fulci, poltergeist od, the house by the cemetery, the night club
The Fulci loop comes full circle as we close the Gates of Hell at The House By The Cemetery! Wrapping up this retrospective with us is horrorcore rapper Poltergeist OD and returning fresh from The Beyond, Don Anelli.
Episode 71: Diarrhea Walls
November 28th, 2022 | 2 hrs 6 mins
cajun, cosmic, don anelli, gates of hell, italian horror, louisiana, lucio fulci, the beyond, the night club, zombies
Haunted hotels with portals to hell, nasty nonexistent Louisiana dream logic basments and ghosts that can kill each other.... we must be in The Beyond! Join us and special guest Don Anelli for the second chapter in Lucio Fulci's Gates of Hell trilogy!
Episode 70: Toilet of The Living Dead
November 11th, 2022 | 2 hrs 26 mins
blodmonath, city of the living dead, gates of hell, gore, lucio fulci, the night club, zombies
Maggot storms and vomit fests, its Blodmonath and we begin our retrospective of Lucio Fulci's Gates of Hell trilogy with City of The Living Dead(1980)! You've been warned!
Episode 69: Halloween Havoc III: Welfare Witches
November 5th, 2022 | 1 hr 35 mins
friday the 13th, halloween havoc, jason voorhees, kaiju giallo, the night club, trick or treat trivia
Halloween Havoc III features Trick or Treat Trivia, a round of Kaiju Giallo and a compare/contrast of Friday The 13th: 1980 vs 2009!
Episode 68: Candy Corn Cocaine
October 28th, 2022 | 1 hr 41 mins
halloween, halloween havoc, michael myers, rob zombie, the night club
Angrier and bloodier than its source material, on this episode we perform a Midnight Ritual of Rob Zombie's Halloween(2007) with special guest RockerrrBoy Justin.
Episode 67: FAH-Q
October 11th, 2022 | 1 hr 43 mins
bill moseley, cannibalism, comedy horror, dennis hopper, going number two, rickys rippin riffs, texas chainsaw massacre 2, the night club, tobe hooper
On this episode we're bringing it all down!!! Join the coven as we ride some of Ricky's Rippin' Riffs and Grindhouse introduces us to the concept of Going Number Two as we perform a Midnight Ritual of Tobe Hooper's 1986 cult classic horror comedy: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2!
Episode 66: Chuddle The Night Club
October 4th, 2022 | 2 hrs 8 mins
art the clown, chuddle the pod, gore, halloween, halloween havoc, heavens gate, horror, killer clown, terrifier, the night club, zalgo
Happy One Year Anniversary to Chuddle The Pod! On this episode the Chuddlemen Bryan, Sam & Ross visit us as we pay tribute to our friends. This edition includes their segments: Gnarly Bits, Creepy Files and a Video Roundup of Terrifier(2016). Hail Zalgo!!!
Chuddle The Pod
Official Website: https://chuddlethepod.podbean.com/
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/VNYbfw8yUh
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chuddlethepod/ -
Episode 65: The Big Crusty Couch
September 27th, 2022 | 1 hr 31 mins
80s horror, apocalypse, horror, night of the comet, the night club
Switch on your fuzzy channels and witness the takeover of the world by a bunch of incel overlords in the Die Hard of horror movies: Night of The Comet(1984)! Join Ricky, Grindhouse, Travis and a new special guest, Trevor Squared or T2 as we were also calling him, as we party all night while comets blaze and rad cosmic "zombies" invade the realm of the last few mortals. This one is a banger!